Birthmark Removal – Best Procedures + Before and After Care

  • Updated July 20, 2023
  • by Honey Seida
most common methods of birthmark removal

Birthmarks are spots that usually appear on the surface layer of the skin and often in areas of the body such as the face, shoulders, and hands that are exposed to more sunlight. These spots usually become darker and more prominent after the skin is exposed to the sun, and on the other hand, they become pale and less visible in the winter months. Birthmark removal is a term applied to all sorts of procedures that aim to do just what the name says.

How do birthmarks form?

Birthmarks are usually created as a result of the production of melanin pigment in a larger amount than usual in some parts of the skin. They may also form as a result of abnormal vessel enlargement in the affected area. In both cases, a birthmark removal procedure can be effective in solving the problem.

Risk Factors

The common risk factors that contribute to the formation of birthmarks include:


Birthmarks are basically a genetic complication, or rather, a predisposition, and they appear especially in people who have fair skin. Scientific research proves that the severity of being affected by birthmarks is the same in identical twins, who are genetically identical, but this is not the case in non-identical twins.


Spots appear as skin discoloration and, darkening in the hands and to a lesser extent, in the face. These spots look like simple birthmarks and appear mostly on the skin of adults and elderly people who have been exposed to the sun a lot throughout their lives. Benign skin patches, known as seborrhoeic keratosis, are quite common in people over 40 years of age. 

Birthmark removal

When Should a Birthmark Be Removed?

In most cases, birthmarks do not need to be removed as they are harmless and do not cause any medical problems. However, there are some instances where birthmarks may need to be removed, or evaluated by a doctor.

For example, if a birthmark changes in size, shape, or colour, it may be a sign of skin cancer and should be evaluated by a dermatologist. Additionally, birthmarks that are in a location that causes discomfort or interferes with daily activities may also be considered for removal.

In some cases, birthmarks may also be removed for cosmetic reasons. For example, if a birthmark is very large or in a visible location, it may cause self-consciousness or embarrassment. In these cases, the decision to remove the birthmark is a personal one and should be discussed with a dermatologist or plastic surgeon.

It's important to note that not all birthmarks can be removed, and the decision to remove a birthmark should be made on a case-by-case basis with the guidance of a medical professional.

Removing birthmarks on the neck

Birthmark removal by laser

There are several types of lasers that can be used to reduce or completely remove various types of birthmarks, moles, and skin spots. The durability and longevity of the results with this method of birthmark removal depend on the type of laser used as well as the type of skin spots that are being treated.

How does birthday removal by laser work?

First, special blindfolds are used, and a thin layer of gel is applied to the surface of the skin. Then the handle of the laser device is placed on your skin and moved on the surface of the desired area. You will feel the radiation of a series of bright rays on your skin. The laser beam passes through the surface of the skin and removes the melanin pigments that cause the birthmarks.

Birthmark Removal Before and After

Mole Removal with Laser

Mole removal with laser is a popular and effective way to eliminate unwanted moles from the skin. This procedure involves using a focused laser beam to break down and destroy the cells that make up the mole. The laser energy is absorbed by the pigment in the mole, causing it to heat up and break apart.

The treatment is typically performed in a dermatologist's office and is relatively quick and painless. Most patients can resume their normal activities immediately after the procedure, although some redness and swelling may occur.

With proper aftercare, the treated area should heal without scarring, leaving behind smooth, healthy-looking skin. Overall, laser mole removal is a safe and reliable option for individuals looking to remove unwanted moles from their skin.

Removal of birthmarks on the neck

IPL Treatment

First, the skin is cleaned and disinfected, and then a cold gel is placed on the skin to improve heat conduction. You will also be given a pack containing cold air to put on the area during the procedure to cool the skin. Then the laser is placed on your skin and fires a short flash of light at each mole or birthmark on the skin. 

Exfoliation with Chemicals

Peeling with chemicals can be used as a treatment for some birthmarks and their removal. In this procedure, first, the material used for exfoliation is applied to the area, the entire surface of the skin must be uniformly covered with this material. This way, the therapeutic effect of the exfoliating agent will be seen in improving the skin structure and fading or completely removing the birthmarks or moles.


The method of freezing or burning with liquid nitrogen can only be used to treat certain types of birthmarks and skin spots. Not all types of birthmarks and skin spots respond well to liquid nitrogen, and ironically one of the side effects of going with this method is the increase of the spots or the darkening of the colour of the spots that were already on the skin.


Abrasion with radio waves has very high efficiency in birthmark removal. But at the same time, one of the big disadvantages of this method is the permanent damage to skin pigments, which may consequently cause the skin of the operated area to have a lighter colour than the surrounding areas in the future.

Cream for Birthmark Removal

Birthmark Removal Cream Usually  Contain

In the composition of these creams, there is usually a substance called hydroquinone or antioxidants including the following:

  • Alpha-hydroxy acids
  • Vitamin C
  • Retinoids
  • Azelaic acid

It should be noted that the skin must be protected from sunlight before and after birthmark removal using this method.

The Best Birthmark Removal Procedure

Birthmark removal by laser is by far the most effective, most convenient, and least painful birthmark removal procedure that offers clean results with the least amount of possible complications or side effects. As in any other procedure, paying close attention to birthmark removal before and after tips and guidelines can make a difference in the quality of the final results the client will receive.

Removal of flesh birthmarks

Birthmark Removal Before and After

Before the treatment, it helps to come to the clinic with clean skin. Avoid applying creams or makeup to the area that is to be treated. After the procedure avoid exposure to sunlight and heat and if advised, use the creams and ointments prescribed. In order to enjoy the full benefits of the best birthmark removal and mole removal methods available, paying attention to the before and after care and maintenance guidelines provided specific to your case can be extremely helpful. 

After Birthmark Removal

In many people who use laser surgery to remove birthmarks and moles, immediately after the operation, the colour of the operated area becomes slightly darker. This colour change actually confirms that the pigments have been successfully destroyed and removed by the laser.

But this is no cause for alarm as within a day or two after the operation, the coloured spots turn light brown and then gradually fade within a week or two.

The Healing Process

Full recovery after birthmark removal by laser requires about one and a half weeks. The recovery period after this operation includes several specific stages:

  • A slight and temporary swelling that occurs on the first day
  • A burning sensation that is temporary and causes the skin to turn deep pink in the first three days
  • The colour of freckles becomes darker from the first day onward
  • One week after the procedure, the spots will begin to disappear from the skin

Removal of hateful birthmarks


Can birthmarks be removed?

Yes, there are a number of effective ways to remove most types of birthmarks and moles in a safe way.

Does birthmark removal hurt?

Laser treatment to remove moles and birthmarks is not painful at all. Local anaesthesia before the operation may be used. A little tingling pain may be felt; but as soon as the work starts, the patient will not feel the laser at all. Before starting the procedure, the therapist will test to see whether the area is numb or not.

Does chemical peeling work with birthmark removal?

Exfoliation with chemicals to remove skin colour spots (dark spots) caused by sunlight or other skin complications such as pimples, acne, fine wrinkles, scars, or ageing can be effective but usually comes with a host of unpleasant side effects. Chemical peels can be used to treat skin problems in the face, neck, hands, arms, and legs. There are also different types of chemical peels to be used for different depths of the skin, including surface peels, medium depth peels, and deep peels.

Removal of large birthmarks

Final Word

Here at Brilliant Skin Australia, we take pride in being the best skin clinic in Sydney that offers the most effective and safe laser treatment for birthmark removal available today.

While birthmarks can be beautiful manifestations of variety, plurality, and self-expression, some of us may decide to say yes to a birthmark removal procedure, and we ensure that our clients receive the highest quality of care and treatment possible.


Services PRICE
Birthmarks Removal (Large >20 cm) Consultation Required
Birthmarks Removal (Medium 1.6 - 19.9cm) $380
Birthmarks Removal (Medium 1.6 - 19.9cm) - (3 Sessions) +10% $1,026
Birthmarks Removal (Small < 1.5 cm) $190
Birthmarks Removal (Small < 1.5 cm) - (3 Sessions) +10% $513
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